Introduction to ProRFx

Introduction to ProRFx ProRFx is the ultimate e-sourcing tool for your business to take their sourcing to the next level. With our bidding software, you can find the best solution to your businesses needs while staying ahead of the curve in your industry. For more information on just how e-sourcing is changing, be sure to contact us at for […]

What Drives The E-Sourcing Process?

What Drives The E-Sourcing Process? Supply chain businesses all have the exact same goal in mind, have as much inventory on hand as possible, but do not get stuck with that inventory for long periods of time. Now everyone will also state that this is much easier said than done, but with supply chains businesses utilizing e-sourcing to develop relationship […]

How Are E-Sourcing Tools Changing The American Supply Chain?

How Are E-Sourcing Tools Changing The American Supply Chain? When utilizing an e-sourcing tool to conduct business over seas, the more information that you have on the systems in place the better. The United States manufacturing industry is seeing severe changes these days as re-shoring is becoming a well known necessity. The economic forces  that companies are seeing are allowing […]