Have you seen him around your office? Creating chaos in your sourcing software & making a mess of your databases? This guy makes using eSourcing software more time consuming, degrades efficiency and integrity of the procurement process all while frustrating current users and hindering further adoption. Here are some of his #1 offenses:
· Sending out RFP’s with outdated legal terms
· Not updating templates for consistency & cohesion
· Spending too much time personalizing
· Saving over existing templates with unauthorized changes
Lucky enough for you though, here are 4 simple ways to keep the sourcing monster out of your office:
· Effective documentation is key! It is very important to implement an eSouricng software with effective document management systems.
· Standardize templates. Create and maintain a few individual or common templates to use across the organization.
· Determine roles & permissions- By having only one template creator and files needing permissions to edit, a company limits files being overwritten and improves their configuration management processes.
· Continuous maintenance- ongoing maintenance is the key to organization and an up to date, successful procurement process.
Now obviously eSourcing does not have to be as hectic of an issue as this is being taken out to be. By having a set structure in alignment and following these 4 tips relatively closely in your company, eSourcing will help your business far more than hurt it. The only issue that will arise when utilizing any type of eSourcing software is whether or not the team on the task of using the software follows these tips closely. For more information on how to utilize the ProRFx software correctly, be sure to check out our other blogs on just that!
Tips for Enhancing eSourcing Adoption
How Does e-Sourcing Compare To Traditional Sourcing?
Top 5 Benefits From e-Procurement